Nearly two million people worldwide have discovered Invisalign, the latest technology for improving smiles. Treatment involves wearing a series of customized clear plastic aligners to gently shift teeth into better positions. This revolutionary method is appealing to patients because it eliminates some of the aspects that people dislike about traditional orthodontic solutions.
Perhaps the most obvious benefit to Invisalign is that the aligners are invisible. The clear plastic makes the trays almost undetectable in your smile. This gives patients the confidence to smile throughout treatment instead of being embarrassed by a mouth full of metal.
You can remove your Invisalign aligners at any time. Although for best success they should be worn at least 20 hours per day, they should be removed while eating or performing oral hygiene tasks. This means that there are no diet restrictions during treatment, and maintenance is simple because it involves normal brushing and flossing.
Invisalign aligners are comfortable since there are no wires or brackets that might poke or tear your skin. They also are safer than some other orthodontic options when playing sports or other activities. Invisalign aligners gently move teeth so there is typically less pressure or pain during treatment than with traditional braces.
The aligners are customized for every patient to treat your specific issues. Different sets of aligners are provided for adults, adolescents and children, plus different sets are worn during each stage of straightening. This personalized solution means that treatment is very precise, and it is even created and monitored using special computer software to increase the accuracy of treatment. Also, many patients find that the duration of treatment is less for Invisalign. The average treatment time is often about one year, as long as you wear the aligners as recommended.
With all of the advantages that Invisalign offers, it’s easy to understand why it has become such a popular choice in orthodontic treatment. If you’re interested in seeing if Invisalign is right for you, schedule a consultation with a dental professional who is trained and qualified in providing this type of treatment.
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One of the newest ways to spruce up your look is to correct your teeth with Invisalign. This is an orthodontic solution that allows your teeth to be straightened without having to wear unsightly or embarrassing traditional braces. Invisalign allows you to improve your smile without affecting your eating habits, oral care routine, or self-esteem throughout the treatment process.
A series of customized plastic aligners are created to wear over your teeth to gradually move them into better position. You are able to see your treatment plan on a computer before treatment even begins, and your dentist monitors progress during checkups to make sure things are changing as desired. The clear aligners with Invisalign are popular because they are nearly invisible, can be removed for cleaning and eating, and are comfortable without causing irritation.
Invisalign corrects various dental issues, including crowded teeth, gaps, overbites, underbites, or crossbites. Dentists often advise wearing retainers after treatment to ensure that teeth remain in their new position.
Once you select a dentist for your Invisalign treatment, an examination and discussion of goals will determine if this type of orthodontics is right for you. If you are a good candidate, a mold will be made of your teeth as well as a three dimensional image to help your dentist determine your treatment plan.
Invisalign aligners are easily cleaned when removed from your mouth with gentle brushing and rinsing. You can perform your normal oral hygiene routine before returning the aligners to your mouth.
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The innovative approach to improving smiles through Invisalign has paved the way for beautiful smiles for people of all ages. Not just for children and teenagers, Invisalign appeals to adults all the way through to retirement ages. It’s never too late to transform your smile and regain your self-esteem when you have the option of Invisalign.
What types of problems does Invisalign address? In addition to simply straightening the teeth to achieve a more perfect smile, dental problems like gaps, overcrowding, overbites, underbites, open bites and cross bites can all be improved.
The process involves wearing customized invisible plastic aligners over your teeth. New aligner trays are provided every few weeks during treatment as your teeth gently move to their improved positions. The aligners are removable for easy dental hygiene, since normal brushing and flossing are possible instead of dealing with cumbersome wires and brackets. The clear plastic trays are nearly invisible in your smile, hugging your teeth securely allowing for no embarrassing slips or speech impacts.
Invisalign is possible for just about anyone with permanent teeth and healthy gums. Older patients are often at higher risk for gum issues, so correcting crooked teeth or overlaps is especially beneficial to help those patients avoid gum problems related to gaps or inability to clean teeth properly. Correcting misalignments can also prevent jaw or joint pain in the mouth, head, and neck area.
Patients over the age of 50 are seeking orthodontic treatment more than ever. As they age, many people want to avoid dentures when possible and Invisalign can provide a great option for making smiles look more appealing while also improving oral health. A beautiful smile can also improve your outlook on life, making you look and feel younger. An attractive smile positively impacts your overall attitude and appearance, and it’s possible with the help of Invisalign.
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Being a teenager can be difficult, and being a teen whose smile could use some improvement can be even more difficult. If your teen suffers from gapped, crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth, you may be looking into Invisalign with your teen’s orthodontist as a smile solution.
In the past, metal braces were the standard for teens, leading to “metal mouth” smiles and the worry that food is caught there during lunch or after snacks. Metal braces can lead to even more self-consciousness for your teen. Using Invisalign will lead to the same results as traditional metal braces. While metal braces use wires and brackets to straighten teeth, Invisalign uses clear plastic trays, allowing your teen’s process of tooth straightening to be less obvious.
The Invisalign process begins with impressions and x-rays, providing valuable information regarding the current condition of your teen’s teeth. The mold made from the impressions serves as the reference for creating the custom-made Invisalign trays. A series of trays are used, gradually altering the teeth, leading to a more comfortable straightening process.
Invisalign trays are removed before eating, eliminating the trepidation associated with eating in public with traditional metal braces. Because there is no hardware to dislodge, there are no food restrictions, and your teen may continue to enjoy whatever foods desired.
Your teen will need to have good oral hygiene habits. Flossing once a day and brushing after mealtimes or at least twice a day is best. Invisalign trays are removed prior to these activities, allowing for an ease of oral care not provided by traditional braces.
Be sure your teen wears the Invisalign trays as recommend by his or her orthodontist. In order to maximize Invisalign effectiveness, your teen must wear the trays at all times, except during mealtimes or when brushing or flossing.
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Does your child need braces, but isn’t sure about being a “metal mouth” for two or more years? Did your teen come to you and beg for some other option to traditional braces? Perhaps you’ve heard about Invisalign aligners but are wondering if they’ll work for your child. Invisalign is absolutely appropriate for your teen if all of his or her baby teeth have fallen out and adult teeth have erupted.
Invisalign provides the same results as traditional metal braces, but without the metal brackets. Concerns over eating with braces are removed with the Invisalign trays, as they come out for meals, leaving your teen free to eat any food he or she desires.
Invisalign utilizes clear plastic trays that allow the process of straightening your teen’s teeth to be less obvious and less obtrusive. Beginning with x-rays and molds, your orthodontist will make a series of trays, called aligners. These trays are worn most of the day, taken out only to eat or to be cleaned. The process of straightening happens gradually and comfortably.
It is essential during this time that the trays are worn as recommended by the orthodontist. Wearing them less than the recommended amount of time will result in slower correction, and has the potential to lengthen treatment. Have your teen continue with any established good oral hygiene habits. Brushing and flossing must continue on a regular basis, brushing twice a day at minimum and flossing before bedtime.
Being a teenager is full of difficulties, and it is during this time that teens are at their most self-conscious. Adding metal braces to this transition can make everything worse for your child, leaving him or her self-conscious about eating with friends or smiling, talking or laughing in public. Your teen’s gapped, misaligned or crowded teeth can be improved significantly with Invisalign trays. Talk to your orthodontist today to see how Invisalign can make a difference for your child.
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Metal braces used to go hand-in-hand with teenage years. Those awkward years were made so much worse with the taunts of “metal mouth” or “brace face.” Today, if your teen is dreading those comments, there are alternatives, particularly Invisalign.
Has your teen been told that braces are a necessity? Is he or she fearful of time spent in metal braces? Invisalign could be the solution, providing an “invisible” way to straighten and align crooked teeth.
Not all teens are suited for treatment with Invisalign. The aligners must be worn diligently, up to 22 hours a day, in order to work properly. Teens may be tempted to remove them more often than recommended, leading to far longer treatment time or ineffectual treatment.
Changes in Invisalign treatment are addressing the specific needs of teens with solutions like the blue dot wear indicator, which allows dentists and parents to determine if the teen is wearing the aligner the recommended amount of time.
Power ridges provide the maximum force necessary to exact complex movements in the mouth, including the movement of tooth roots. Because some teens are still in the process of having their teeth erupt, Invisalign aligners can feature eruption tabs or other design elements for teeth that are still in the process of erupting.
Benefits like these allow Invisalign to cater to a teen’s specific orthodontic needs while still providing all of the things that make Invisalign aligners so popular with patients of all ages.
Invisalign makes it possible to remove the plastic aligners while teens are eating or cleaning their teeth. Metal braces can trap unsightly bits of food, leading to a teen being self-conscious. Oral hygiene habits remain far easier with Invisalign than with traditional metal braces. Flossing takes place normally, while flossing with traditional metal braces is very challenging.
If you have questions regarding whether or not Invisalign or traditional metal braces are right for your individual teen, talk to a skilled orthodontist today. Your orthodontist will determine if Invisalign will be the most effective treatment to address your teen’s orthodontic needs.
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